June 6, 2013 | Posted in: reviews, tutorials, web 2.0 tools
It’s no secret based on my post a month ago, (Learn a Zillion Things at LearnZillion!) that I’m a big fan of LearnZillion.com.
As I prepare for the professional development opportunities that I’m offering to our staff this summer, I’m including a plug for LearnZillion as part of a BYOD training. It’s just one of several tools that I’ll be highlighting in the context of bringing your own device. While developing my BYOD session, I wanted to “flip” the training and offer some quick video clips to introduce the variety of tools in rotating stations for teachers so that they could explore. While I like that LearnZillion has several short video snippets to help you navigate your new account once you’re logged in, I decided to record my own quick intro video tour of LearnZillion.com’s features to use in training, and to introduce others who may not have an account yet to the tool.
Maybe this feature tour will get you as excited about LearnZillion as I am, and inspire you to create your own (FREE) teacher account and get started! You’ll be happy to know that if you need any help along the way once you’re registered, that LearnZillion has got you covered with helpful tutorial clips every step of the way. And if you’re wondering what the fuss is all about, you may want to check out my first LearnZillion post to get the additional scoop.
You’re still reading? What are you waiting for?! Get started with LearnZillion today.
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