July 31, 2018 | Posted in: created by mrs. k, digital citizenship
Four years ago I created a set of Star Wars inspired digital citizenship posters, modifying iconic quotes from Star Wars to have more of a digital citizenship and online safety theme, for use in my computer lab. The set had 10 posters featuring characters from the original trilogy of Star Wars movies.
Times have changed! We’ve gotten TWO NEW Star Wars movies since then, and with those movies we’ve gotten so many colorful new, awesome characters to carry on the Star Wars saga. My personal favorite is BB-8. Sorry, R2-D2, but this astromech ball literally rolled in and stole my heart. And porgs. Because AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
ANYWAY, I love the feedback I’ve received over the years (and continue to receive!) about how much you enjoy these posters. Believe it or not, but I get emails and tweets regularly from schools all over the world AND libraries, media centers, and other educational institutions sharing where they’ve hung the posters or how they’ve used them in their digital citizenship decor. It makes me so very happy to see! I’m glad they have brought a little fun and Star Wars to your educational space.
Since we’ve gotten new movies and new characters, I thought it was time to update my posters. This weekend I whipped up SEVEN MORE POSTERS to add to my Star Wars inspired digital citizenship set! They feature Rey, Kylo Ren, Finn, Poe Dameron, a porg, and of course… BB-8! I also threw in one quick new Yoda poster because I am inspired regularly by a very special quote from The Last Jedi… “The greatest teacher, failure is.” It may not specifically be digital citizenship themed, but it still fits in my classroom, and can be applied to almost anything.
I was unable to find LEGO clip art of the new characters this time around, though, so I picked some other really cute clip art I found by Dorky Prints on etsy, used with permission. (And the porg is by SVGDigitalShop on etsy, also used with permission.) I’m missing Rose, which I plan to remedy, so stay tuned! Even though the characters aren’t LEGO, I tried to stick to the same “feel” of my original set so that the new posters still feel like they’re meant to go together.
Speaking of which, the new posters have been uploaded already to my Star Wars Inspired Digital Citizenship Posters Google Photos album – you are able to “follow” the album, too, and get an update whenever I add new posters to it. Just click the + icon at the top of the album to add yourself.
The posters are JPGs and were created at 300dpi to be printed beautifully at 8.5″ x 11″, and look great when laminated. You can save and download them right out of the album. Scroll to the bottom to see the latest additions!
Seriously, thank you for your support and encouragement over the years! I’d like to eventually add Rose and a few other characters that I feel are sorely lacking (Padme Amidala, Greedo, Ahsoka) at some point, too. Wishing you a great new school year! Let me know if you have any questions or problems.
These are great! Thank you for sharing them, I will be putting them up in our library!
These look amazing! The links aren’t working for Google Pictures though– do you have a different link?
Hey Stephanie!
I tried the link from a few different browsers (logged in, not logged in), and the link appears to go to the right place and access a gallery of the posters so I don’t know what’s up or why the link isn’t working for you! I generated another link – try this: https://goo.gl/photos/q2WPc3wGcPr8jQ9C9
Thank you for the great post you share with us.
The only problem I have is…. Do I decorate my windows with Pokemon or Star Wars!?!? You rock!
Thanks for the generosity and sharing of your creativity. :)